The Belinac House presents its cotton voile lining, made entirely of cotton, which provides comfort and lightness to your outfits.
Very appreciated for its absorbent, insulating, and hypoallergenic properties, it comes in a wide range of colors. Soft and breathable, it can be used in many ways.
This lightweight cotton voile is perfect for summer lining. Its lightness and perspiring properties provide softness to your creations and limit sweating. A fresh lining made of spring colors, our lining 490 is ideal for your creations. Enhanced with a "Sanfor" treatment, the fabric is washed several times in water, guaranteeing the non-shrinking of the cotton lining.
Ideal for summer seasons, this cotton fabric adapts to all your creations as a lining for dresses, jackets, pants, and more. It is used to line wedding dresses while maintaining comfort and softness. It is also suitable for light outfits such as summer blouses or children's clothing as the main fabric.
Available for sale from one meter, you can find the range of colors of this fine, fresh, and modern cotton fabric designed specifically for our customers. You can order your Cotton Card composed of all the colors of the quality directly on our website! Discover also our other linings made of natural materials on our website.